Public Reserve Unveiled on Old Bridgestone Factory Site

A brand new public reserve featuring sporting fields, a playground, fitness equipment and sheltered picnic facilities has been opened in Salisbury, South Australia on the land that formerly housed Bridgestone’s Adelaide manufacturing plant.
Unveiled by the City of Salisbury, Bridgestone Reserve also boasts a new car park, barbeques and footpaths, while extensive stormwater and wetland management works have also been undertaken.
Redevelopment of the 6.8ha site cost $5.3 million and was assisted by a $2.21 million grant from the Australian Government’s Water for the Future Initiative and in-kind support from the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.
The land was donated by Bridgestone after the manufacturing plant closed back in 2010, recognising the community and Council support the company received throughout the factory’s 46-year history.
Extensive public discussion followed, with residents, potential user groups, school sport coordinators and other stakeholders all consulted before the Bridgestone Feasibility Study was completed and endorsed by Council in 2014.
The opening of the Reserve realises Bridgestone’s desire for the area to be used as an open community space and will provide a huge boost for the local community.
“The opening of the reserve acknowledges the long-standing relationship
between the City of Salisbury and Bridgestone,”
“We hope that this facility will invigorate the area and provide a space to be
enjoyed by
all members of the community for years to come.”
Bridgestone Australia and New Zealand Managing
Director Andrew Moffatt said.
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A brand new public reserve featuring sporting fields, a playground, fitness equipment and sheltered picnic facilities has been opened in Salisbury, South Australia.