Auto Mechanic Services, Repairs & Maintenance

Has your car been acting strangely? If you’ve noticed a change in your car’s performance or operation, or heard concerning sounds when you drive, it’s time to contact your local Bridgestone Select Tyre & Auto store.

Our car mechanics are qualified to repair and maintain your car, but also services including log book services, wheel alignments, brakes and safety checks. You can relax knowing our qualified auto technicians are experienced in assessing your vehicle, and will find the source of the problems you’ve been noticing on the road.

Automotive car services

Address problems early with a car service from a qualified car mechanic

If you notice something isn’t right with your car, it's important to address the issue early before it turns into a more expensive problem. Catching and fixing small issues early can save you time, money, and hassle down the road.

Look out for the following:

  • The engine

    Engine runs rough, misfires
    or is hard to start

  • Fluid is leaking

    Fluid is leaking
    under your vehicle

  • Strange noises from the engine

    Unusual noises from the engine, brakes, steering, or suspension

  • exhaust emissions

    Smoky exhaust

  • Spongy brakes

    Spongy brakes

  • High engine temperature

    High engine temperature

  • steering shuddering

    Steering shuddering or pulling to one side

  • Warning lights

    Warning lights on your dashboard

Car repair being completed by a qualified car mechanic servicing a vehicle to ensure car safety.

Car service

Go with confidence
Our qualified car mechanics will thoroughly inspect your car, and advise you on any problems they find, so you can make an informed decision about how you choose to service or repair your car.

We will explain the problem in easy to understand terms, and let you know how much time repairs will take, and how much they will cost. We won’t take any action unless you approve it beforehand.

What is a car service?

A car service is a thorough inspection and maintenance of your vehicle to ensure it operates efficiently and safely. It involves checking and replacing various components such as the engine, brakes, suspension, and fluids, helping to prevent breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your car.

Car services and auto repairs

More than just a service
At our Bridgestone Select Tyre and Auto stores, we offer a wide range of services and auto repairs for your car, SUV and 4WD vehicle. All our services, maintenance and repairs are performed by qualified mechanics and to the highest quality standards.

Car mechanic and auto repair shop, with image showing cars being serviced at Bridgestone.

What can a car service include?

A car service includes a comprehensive inspection and maintenance of your vehicle to keep it running smoothly. It typically covers essential components such as engine checks, fluid top-ups, brake inspections, tyre rotations, and other critical systems to ensure optimal performance, safety, and reliability.

Our car services can include:

  • Suspension
  • Driveline
  • Engine management system
  • Exhaust
  • Mufflers
  • Plus many more

Frequently asked questions

  • FAQs iconHow much does a car service cost?

    The cost of a service can vary depending on the make and model of your car and the type of service you require. Your local Bridgestone Select Tyre and Auto has an expert mechanic who can assist with all your service and repair requirements. To get a price on a service or repair for your vehicle, be sure to contact your nearest Bridgestone Select Tyre and Auto store.

  • FAQs iconWhat is a car service?

    A car service is a thorough inspection and maintenance of your vehicle to ensure it operates efficiently and safely. It involves checking and replacing various components such as the engine, brakes, suspension, and fluids, helping to prevent breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your car.

The following stores offer Mechanical Repairs

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